2021 Board of Directors Nominees

At our Annual Meeting on December 14, 2021, we will elect 5 new Directors to our Board, out of the following 6 nominees.

Nominees will have a chance to introduce themselves at the Annual Meeting prior to the election.

All Network Members in attendance at the Annual Meeting (in person or via Zoom) are eligible to vote. If you’re not sure if you’re a Network Member, please click here.

Candidates are presented in alphabetical order by last name.

Kevin Boilard

Lewiston resident

History of engagement with Healthy Neighborhoods: As president of Kaydenz Kitchen Food Pantry, a local 501C3 nonprofit, we have had several opportunities to work with Healthy Neighborhoods over the years. Through multiple events, we have been able to give away thousands of dollars in clothing and miscellaneous items at no charge to the community. Our organization has also worked with other organizations associated with Healthy Neighborhoods, Kommunity Kritters, in joint ventures to provide helpful resources to the community. A new Pet Pantry that provides cat food, dog food, litter and other animal needs, is up and running through a Healthy Neighborhoods Grant Project with the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society.

Why are you interested in serving on the Healthy Neighborhoods Board?: I am looking to be able to expand my engagement with the community and other local organizations. I still consider myself fairly new to the nonprofit world and feel confident that having the chance to be on the Board of Directors would be an amazing growth/learning experience.

Eddie Greyfox Burgess

Lewiston resident; former Tree Streets resident

History of engagement with Healthy Neighborhoods: Community resource

Why are you interested in serving on the Healthy Neighborhoods Board?: Wellness can be in any person or neighborhood.

Jason M Lavoie

Tree Streets resident

History of engagement with Healthy Neighborhoods: I have attended events and lived in the Tree Streets area for a number of years.

Why are you interested in serving on the Healthy Neighborhoods Board?: I’m a dedicated community member in Lewiston, past LPS educator.

Michelle Richards

Tree Streets resident

History of engagement with Healthy Neighborhoods: I began attending Healthy Neighborhoods’ monthly meetings in September 2020 because I wanted to get more involved in the community during the pandemic. I realized how much I didn’t know about the Tree Streets, even though I have lived here for eight years, am involved in other neighborhood organizations, and am trying to intentionally live in community with those around me. I have very much enjoyed learning more about my community and getting to know new people. Over the past year, I have attended most meetings and have stepped in to give input when I feel like I have something to offer.

Why are you interested in serving on the Healthy Neighborhoods Board?: I love living in the Tree Streets, with all its life, cultural richness, and potential. I am interested in serving on the Board of Directors as a way to positively influence the neighborhood by working with other invested community members to empower our neighbors.

Amy Sanchez

Tree Streets resident

History of engagement with Healthy Neighborhoods: I have been with Healthy Neighborhoods for almost 2 years. I have been awarded 2 grants from HN.

Why are you interested in serving on the Healthy Neighborhoods Board?: I love my home in the Tree Streets, and my neighbors. It is important to me to give back, which is what HN does and allows me to do.

Betsy Sibley

Works in the Tree Streets; non-resident

History of engagement with Healthy Neighborhoods: I’ve served on committees and attended meetings and events organized by Healthy Neighborhoods for several years. I’ve applied for and participated in several shared learning grant opportunities. Community Credit Union is a stakeholder in the Tree Street neighborhood and has been for 76 years.

Why are you interested in serving on the Healthy Neighborhoods Board?: In my role as a leader at Community Credit Union I’m vested in the growth and improvement of the Lewiston downtown and Androscoggin County as a whole. We serve the Tree Street neighborhood and have conducted a community needs assessment to determine there are many underserved neighbors that need financial education as well as a safe place to grow and borrow money. I want to be part of the solutions and growth of the Lewiston downtown!

Please note that based on our Operating Policies and Procedures and Bylaws, you must be considered a Network Member in order to vote in Board of Directors elections. If you’re not yet a Network Member and are interested in voting in future Board elections, please make sure to attend at least 3 Network Meetings (virtually or in-person) during the year preceding the Board election. All Network Meetings are listed on our events page, and we send out reminders a week in advance to everyone on our email list - sign up here.